pt boat crew list

The camouflage scheme is an one-off 'design' apparently applied by her crew. They are distinguished by the color of their cores. 2. Note how reverberations shake the gunner's body. Vents.-Not to be used as cleats. Like every man-o'-war, a PT is made for only one purpose: To Meet the Enemy and Destroy Him Make a receptacle or canvas cover for the bridge phones and mikes for they are most likely to become wet. Every rule and precaution set up by the Navy usually has been originated because of some tragedy in the past. Know your spot and be there. He may serve you breakfast in bed some morning. Percentage-wise, this made a high loss ratio, but with the US Navy's attitude that PT boats were expendable, the loss ratio could said to be low. Observe the no smoking rules. For example, the engineer of PT boat 191 that was badly hit by Japanese aircraft, received the Navy Cross for fixing the damaged engine, preventing fire, and saving the lives of injured crew members, all while still under Japanese fire. Keep them clean, dry, and safe. It is desirable that the rack be exercised and inspected by competent personnel weekly. On a high trunnion gun, the loader should be both strong and tall. When at anchor the bullnose will keep the bow of the boat facing the wind and at all times it will keep the lines from chafing against the side of the boat. These ships are small, fast and agile, and extremely dangerous due to the on-board torpedo launchers. As in every drill you must know your station and the equipment to take with you. Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 PT boat DescriptionPT-109 was a PT boat last commanded by Lieutenant, junior grade John F. Kennedy, in the Pacific Theater during World War II. OCLC 830202. Be prepared. TM2C Raymond L. Starkey. Thick vegetation, seaweed, lines and submerged trees may tangle one man up. It will not protect you from smoke or carbon monoxide, or any oxygen-deficient area. The Japanese called them "Devil Boats". Like the bullnose, never allow it to get loose. Do little things first when you are losing r. p. m., such as checking plugs or loose wires instead of tearing down reverse gears, etc. 11. Towing rigs have saved boats and men many times in the combat areas. Have on hand some wooden plugs for stopping up bullet and shrapnel holes. Cockpit.-This "flying bridge" is the center of the boat. It is beyond the scope of the publication to discuss the tactical use of PTs, yet such an important phase of PTs mission cannot be overlooked. You may never need it, but when you do-brother, you need it badly. Login / . Stuffing rags and clothes in them will make them useless, especially in the engine room. It is a wonderful gun for both AA and surface fire. X in the Solomons effectively scared a Jap destroyer that was bearing down on a PT by using a depth charge. Rocks and "nigger heads" have stunned many men. PT boat crews were significantly different than crews of steel warships of the US Navy. Many boats have added this feature to the fantail of the boat. Don't let the weather get in. The interested reader, that is, those who are supposed to know this phase of PT operation are referred to the excellent publication, MTB Current Tactical Orders and Doctrine, 1945, U. S. F. (Confidential). The magnifying glass can be used to start a fire. The typical Elco PT boats carried one 20-mm Oerlikon cannon at the stern and two twin M2 12.7-mm or 7.6-mm Lewis machine guns mounted on rotating turrets, but the main armament was two or four 21-inch torpedo tubes launching Mark 8 torpedoes that weighed about 1-ton each. Holes cut in marine shoes and in sneakers have helped numerous such cases. Always swim in pairs. 3. Have a compass to find your way if you are in the jungle or adrift in a raft. Take a sounding before dropping the hook (anchor). Whooping along at 2500 rpm when there is no need for it is slap happy operation. 4. CO2 Release: For the Lux fire-extinguishing system. Always try to set up a tournament or competition. Osceola WI: MBI Publishing Co., 1999. He was 82. Shaving gear and toilet articles. PT-10 Class (Elco): Displacement: 33 tons Length: 70' Beam: 19'11" Draft: 4' Speed: 39 knots Armament: 4 21" Mk VII torpedoes; 2x2 .50-cal Browning M2 mg Complement: 17 Packard liquid-cooled engines (3); 1,200 hp No. Soap box for soap (good to keep cigarettes dry). This will form a little lip or gutter and will take all your wash water over the stern. General.-From stem to stern do not overlook an item. Also, if a vessel has a permanent crew with a commanding officer assigned, it is more than likely a ship. Enemy tanks and trucks also appear on the tally sheet. In particular see Appendix C, "PT Boat Order of Battle," which includes hull numbers, designer/builder, completion date and disposition when known. There is generally another boat in your vicinity to give assistance. 2. Sense of Duty. Kennedy's original crew also included Maurice L. Kowal, Edmund T. Drewitch and Leon E. Drawdy. Sneakers are good for coral fishing. Check all intelligence dope before you go out on patrol. We shall deal only with safety precautions so that in the event you have rockets on your boat you will not be lost with a new toy. The "time fuse" (black or dark core) burns at the rate of 30-40 sec. 1. Upon landfall, MacArthur promised to recommend every man of the Torpedo Squadron Three Silver Star awards; Bulkeley eventually had a greater award, a Medal of Honor, for successfully completing the mission through Japanese waters. These accidents may be avoided by frequent dropping of dummy torpedoes from the racks, exercising of the racks with exercising cables which are being provided by the Bureau of Ordnance, and vigilant inspection and lubrication of all moving parts of the rack. Be sure to check website at We also wish to thank PT Boats Inc. for the loan of this manual so we could scan it and present it on this web site. PT-370 was a 70-foot Canadian boat and only four such boats were built. ww2dbaseBefore the war, at the Philippine Islands, General Douglas MacArthur was an advocate of PT boats. It is primarily a support and not a sail boat. Without a "Jennie" you can't cook or use the refrigerator. Learn all the charthouse jobs of the other rates. So do not depend on the term "line-of-sight" transmissions. This PT-728 vessel is a fully restored Patrol Torpedo Boat from World War II and one of only 12 remaining PT boats in the world - a real treasure for any serious history collector. Gasoline fumes may be anywhere in the boat. Remember it's the simple, common-sense things that are important. Traffic through the chart house should be held to a minimum. 16. Maybe if you knew that "Ace" Eddie Rickenbacker greased and fitted every shell before he ever fired, you would begin to look on your gun, drills, and routine checks as your best friends. That is, destroy all confidential gear beyond recognition and other gear beyond repair. They can be transported to any location in a short period of time. All three of these men were injured on previous patrols and were not on board when the PT-109 was sunk. Its features of speed and knockout power have been ballyhooed in the press, not without reason. ww2dbaseDuring the Solomon Islands Campaign, "Green Dragons" and "Devil Boats", as nicknamed by the Japanese, were deployed against larger warships, but performance was not impressive largely due to faulty American torpedoes and modern destroyers' capability to fight small incoming craft. This versatility has gained for it an important part in the fleet. The object of TP-9 "Know Your PT Boat" is to bring information and hints to acquaint new PT personnel with the ships on which they are to serve. One of the most famous Elco boats was Lieutenant (jg) John F. Kennedy's PT-109, which was of an unique configuration; the PT boat the future President of the United States commanded carried a 37-mm single shot anti-tank gun on the fore deck, making his PT boat more so a gunboat than a torpedo boat. 40-mm Gun.-This gun is best operated with 4 men but 3 men can do a good job. This precaution for safety is too obvious to be explained. site is two fold. Above, you see PT-191, an eighty-foot Elco PT-103 Class boat, of the original production series. Kill your ignorance at every opportunity. On one patrol, a Japanese floatplane spotted the PT-109. Extra watch straps. Men living ashore should keep their mosquito netting tucked under the mattress. This space is also a good spot in which to stow canned goods and your spare anchor, as well as spare soap and toilet tissue. If a hot run cannot be stopped, run to the bow of the boat. This precaution is particularly applicable with a 20-mm gun. you'll be able to see how the intrepid Belafonte crew lived when they set out to find the Jaguar shark. MK VI weaponry. Dry this gear out at the base after every patrol. Although more 80-foot Elco boats were built than any other type of motor torpedo boat, other types were built by the U. S. The British-designed 70-foot Vosper boats which were built for Lend Lease fired 18-inch torpedoes. PT boats were the perfect weapons to act in the role of barge busters. Maps. Be sure the packing is tight and that you do not pump while the faucet is closed. The first enemy you will encounter, is ignorance-your ignorance about PTs. Remember, maintenance is much easier than overhaul and repair! 12. Throughout World War II, PTs operated in the southern, western, and northern Pacific, as well as in the Mediterranean and the English Channel. Likewise, the loader should keep the magazine as full as possible so that weight will be evenly distributed and the gun will be fed steadily. Galley.-Here is where the "cook" heats up the cans. 7. PT Boat Full Load Displacement They all had a full load displacement of 56 tons. You can't paddle or sail a crippled PT with any degree of speed or accuracy. William I. Adelman, USNR, the second officer, was missing; 11 men were wounded, including two Army Officers who were passengers on the 323." Taken from the book "At Close Quarters" PT Boats in the United States Navy by Captain Robert J. Bulkley, Jr. Above all, understand the difference between the "time fuse" and "instantaneous fuse". NEW ORLEANS (March 16, 2017) Beginning April 1, The National WWII Museum will offer the public the opportunity to tour and ride restored patrol-torpedo (PT) boat 305 on her home waters of Lake Pontchartrain, where she was originally tested by Higgins Industries more than 70 years ago. They are most uncomfortable and can lead to serious impairment of hearing, breathing, sight, and manual dexterity. 2. 4 20-mm antiaircraft gun mounts. Kelley also added he'd like included former members of the original crew, any other former PT boat crew members and those who worked on it. Garbage disposal appears to be a simple procedure on a PT but there are rules. and useful information about WW2. 4. Know your recognition procedure. To keep meat, your refrigerator must be in top shape. All equipment should be run at least 15 minutes a day. The PT-305, known as the USS Sudden Jerk, was built in New Orleans by Higgins Industries in 1943. ww2dbaseWith that said, however, PT boats in WW2 were more often deployed against barges rather than warships, which explained why most boats were retrofitted with machine guns and cannons. The ride lasts approximately 90 minutes. See, feel, and know the operation, maintenance, and purpose of every piece of equipment on the boat. T.P.-11, Pointers on Traveling to Toyko (Save That Fuel Oil), T.P.-12, About Requisitions This type of practice, "blind cocking and blind loading" is invaluable. To know what is expected of PTs and what you will be doing with them, do not fail to gain all the dope that's necessary to the operation of your boat. PT-class Motor Torpedo Boat Interactive Map, PT-class Motor Torpedo Boat Operational Timeline. Clamp down on the boots who go down hatches with a binocular dangling from their necks. Flashlight. It is not reliable at all times. Make yours the best. Aside from the usual preparation and care of a 20-mm., the following are helpful hints: 1. 12. A lot of time, money and effort has been expended on these books. You will probably be out of the States a good many months. Check your frequencies often and calibrate properly. 15. Great attention must be paid to gas leaks both inside and outside of the engine. No. gun in looks and operation. Put your name on the canteen issued to you. The seventh MTB of the PT-103 class, her keel was laid 4 March 1942, she was launched on 20 June, and delivered to the Navy on 10 July 1942 to be fitted out in the New York Naval Shipyard in Brooklyn. It should be operated uncaged at all times under way. Kennedy's original crew also included Maurice L. Kowal, Edmund T. Drewitch and Leon E. Drawdy. It is rare to have fresh meat and when issued it comes in 100-pound quantities. The generator is a luxury as well as a necessity. As a rule your boat will be fairly close to land if you meet disaster on a reef, from shore guns, plane bombing, or naval gunnery. 15. Cleaning and light oiling of the barrel and block are all the servicing required. 662K views 10 years ago PT Boat PT-658 Deck Tour and Interior Tour shows details and closeups of all weapons and equipment on board. Through the Mindoro Strait, with a brief stop at Cuyo Islands west of Panay, and a near run-in with a Japanese cruiser west of Negros, PT-41 and accompanying PT boats delivered MacArthur and his family to Cagayan, Mindanao, Philippine Islands. Appoint a trustworthy lawyer or an intelligent trustworthy friend to take care of things which may come up during your absence (e. g. if you inherited property from a wealthy relative while across). You must watch her if you want to keep her taut. Black Light: Is the only exposed light topside that is turned on during patrol. See your educational officer or write to the USAFI (U. S. Armed Forces Institute), Madison, Wisconsin. A knife should always be carried on your person. Remember that the thumb screws securing the holding cables should be hand tight and not wrench tight. Its ultraviolet rays served to illuminate the phosphorous letters and numerals on the instrument panel. Ignorance is no excuse. PT-305 ("Half Hitch","Barfly", "USS Sudden Jerk") is a Higgins 78-foot (24 m) boat, assigned during the war to RON22, and saw action against the Germans in the Mediterranean Sea. jam. If a vessel is manned only part of the time (when it is in actual use), it is probably a boat. When one lets down, one of the others has to take added strain and eventually weakens. Loose projectiles can be fired, but they will be short on range and lacking in accuracy. Moccasins are easy to get on if you're in a sack when an air raid sounds. Performance curves prove the books are right. Little can be said about them here for security reasons. Oil and paint cans have been known to jam the steering at critical moments. In temperate zones and especially in the Tropics any food particles left about will attract insects and bugs. C. Peter Chen of Lava Development, LLC. Emphasis is placed on items which will add to your safety, cleanliness, comfort, and well-being. The World War II Database is founded and managed by When in use, be sure they are not in contact with sharp projections on the deck and protect them from chafing and puncture. ! (3d print model). "-JOHN PAUL JONES. Prevention is the best advice. First know the launching gear. There is a handy operating manual which can be used to good advantage. Other countries built similar boats, from the Italian MAS to the Germans Schnellboots. In preparing a "fully ready" torpedo for firing, the following steps must be taken: If the launching gear fails, but the torpedo starts we have what is known as a "hot run on deck." Combined with destroyers and cruisers to . This article refers to the entire PT-class; it is not about an individual vessel. 4. Camouflage it. An extra seabag may be used to send home excess gear or souvenirs. It is the first step in killing the enemy. Just observe all the rules and all will be safe. These checks cannot be made from the engine-room hatch. Dry them well-especially between the toes. Keep those guns in shape by learning your drills and routines now. Since the U.S. produced the heavier and longer 21-inch torpedoes, the U.S. Navy wanted a larger PT boat. Above all, remember to have your generator running and galley switch "on", when the stove is operated. It's wise to make a complete circuit inspection of the boat, just prior to getting underway, checking for fenders, buckets, hoses, clothes, and lines that will foul the screws. Books on geography are surprisingly interesting. PT boats operated mainly at night for two reasons: Ear fungus is perhaps the most prevalent malady contracted from swimming. The models have a circular, elliptical base or other shape (depends on the model). America invested heavily in capital ships in the inter-war years, concentrating on battleships and carriers that could project power across the deep oceans. Black Dog 1/72 PT Boat (Patrol Torpedo) USN Crew Sailors WWII #2 (4 Figs) T72144 Opens in a new window or tab Brand New $20.97 Was: Previous Price$29.95 30% off Buy It Now Free shipping 9 watchers Sponsored Black Dog 1/72 PT Boat (Patrol Torpedo) USN Crew Sailors WWII #1 (4 Figs) T72143 Opens in a new window or tab Brand New $20.97 Of plywood and mahogany construction, a PT is light yet strong, lightly armored yet strongly armed. PT Boats is dedicated to a small group of little known but perhaps some of the most daring naval combatants of World War II: the torpedo boat crews. , money and effort has been originated because of some tragedy in the past to. Securing the holding cables should be both strong and tall held to a minimum or carbon monoxide or. Holes cut in marine shoes and in sneakers have helped numerous such cases depend! Also appear on the boat and other gear beyond repair boats have this! 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