did cain have a twin sister

Yes they both were of multiple births. Genesis 1:1 introduces the creation of the universe and 1:2 focuses in on the earth in its initial state. Indeed, it is in some peoples interests to emphasize the differences of other religions or sects rather than the similarities between them. A human cant live over 900 years, thats obviously impossible. Of course, I meant Eccl. That being said, I think Cain probably married a Neanderthal or Denisovan. The bible says that Adam & Eve had other sons and daughters. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. He also says man was made from actual dust. Once for all HE is coming to setup the kingdom made of pure human beings that is created in His own image.The choosen one according to the seed of Abraham by the law of faith. THEY ASK TOO MANY QUESTIONS. It is this evidence (largely found in a series of events and dialogues recorded in the Book of Genesis which, it is proposed, has been somewhat neglected or overlooked in biblical scholarship) that is examined in this book. However, I agree that Genesis tells the story of Hebrew history rather than of all humans. DNA and genes can tell alot about living and dead organisms. Often neglected are the mystical traditions of medieval times that linked together Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which arose from the revival of philosophical thought developed from the schools of Plato and Aristotle In 2 Cor 15:22/45 Paul makes it clear that Jesus came as no.2 as the second Adam. There is no way to tell the difference between HN and HHS. CHILDREN OF THIS TIME ARE TOO CURIOUSE. This is history, not myth. (ref: Noahs period). The Midrash reveals that Cain and Abel were fraternal twins. who he eventually married and Abel was part of a set of triplets where and what is Nod. GET KNOWLEDGE.. DO NOT COMPLICATE THINGS FOR YOURSELVES, THE WORD NOD IN HEBREWS MEANS WANDERER AND CAIN WAS PRONOUNCED A WANDERER FOR HIS ACT. Analog to this, there were no circumscribed fields, but the humans gathered fruits, cabbage, seed and whathaveyou (Gen. 1.28). If Adam was to eat from the tree, it would imply he partook in fornication as well, regardless of what he also did with Eve. What is the relationship between Cain and Abel? Also, By whom was it not meant to be taken literally?. Genesis has at least one vague reference to other hominids which I assumed to be Neanderthals. While genetic mutation is not specifically mentioned in Mosaic law, only references to being unclean or defiled (Leviticus 18:24), Don Stewart asserts that God did not permit intermarriage among his chosen people to lessen the likelihood of genetic issues. Then God created Adam in His resemblance (1:26) from the ground (adama) which is quite a different raw material than aretz. Interestingly, even evolutionists have been reducing the original population numbers, very significantly, over the last decade or so. Now, I can apply these meanings to my life and understand the differences. "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. That is the context. Vote Up She looked rather nonchalant & answered, obviously Cains wife came from the people God created in His image in Genesis 1. For example, Moses skips generations in his own genealogy. some of the things written in the bible can be understood just like that. God had to destroy them all!! We need to stop taking the bible literally and look at it more metaphorically. Why didnt Abraham bargain with God when it came to Isaac being offered as a burnt offering like he did when it came to Sodom and Gomorrah? John Sidney McCain IV, 32. Yet my eyes are drawn toward This statement was extracted from the section of the Zohar Hadash, Bereshith, 16a-16c, also known as the Midrash ha-Neelam. By this I believe that God wanted us to know that for every innocent blood shed, you must not If Adam and Eve ate the fruit while others didnt then there would be immortal human beings and they would not have remained on this miserable sin filled planet but God would have taken them elsewhere. When God created the human race (Gen. 1.27), the Garden didnt even exist. Why did God accept Abel's offering but reject Cain's offering? The Bible is pretty explicit in saying that Eve is the mother of all humanity. Well Always a hot bed of controversy on this site! There are others who protest this obvious brother sister relationship declaring it a violation of God's law against marrying a close relative. I say this, because some try to claim it was God giving man a spirit. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden into greater Eden. The genealogies in Genesis 4 and 5 were set in opposition to each other in fulfilment of Genesis 3:15 (godly and ungodly seeds). Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel we know. 3. In Gen. 1 man is told to subdue and rule over the earth and that he plants and that animals also ate plants. Only God knows the truth. All written by man. It was this form of love that Christ not only restored but elevated on Calvary in the blood and water that flowed from his side, which the Early Church Fathers (see commentaries by St. John Chrysostom 347-407 A.D. and St Augustine 354-430 A.D.), described as the New Eve flowing from the side of the New Adam. The Sumerian King List calls it Unug and places it next to Uruk (Erech). NO NEED TO BOTHER YOUR HEAD. Sexual depravity was so openly displayed that it is reasonable to imagine Lots daughters witnessed incest. He built brand new creatures (being both physical and spiritual) of the dust from the earth and a rib, and shaped them into the human form. (5) Afterward, Cain had intercourse with his wife in the land of Fugitiveness.Genesis 3:20; 4:3, 12, 14-17. Who specifically taught a flat earth? Could this be possible? If, on the other hand, God had created the first couple (Adam and Eve) in this manner could he not have repeated his masterpiece? Adams remarkable last words. Simple, accounting for the Biblical record that Eve is the mother of all the living, Cain (prior to the ban of marrying a close relative which is due to our mutating DNA) married his sister. You do not hold to an evolutionary model? Therefore, instead of coexisting with Homo Neaderthalis for 30,000 years, we now know that was for 80,000 years. Thats why God have regulate this actions when he redeemed man. Utterly ridiculous There were no Jews until Judah was born. 1.2; Acts 17:26; 1 Corinthians 15:45-47; Against Heresies Bk III, Ch. Looking at the examples of Cain and Abel, and also Jacob and Esau, does this mean that there are children who are cursed even before theyre born? Love your enemy, and Pray for those who have enmity towards you. It restricted to the Near East, like almost everything from Gen. 2:5 on. Whether sexual sin is involved or not, creating a strong and safe family unit becomes much harder in the wake of incest. It is this neshamah/breath that is a spiritual-religious force that draws man near to God and preserves the bonds between them, Adam suggested that the question should be settled by each one bringing an offering. Jesus appears to believe Genesis literally since He quoted from the book nearly 30 times. In the Sumerian poem Lugalbanda and the Mountain cave, the hero, Lugalbanda, is acompanying his seven brothers on a military comapain against Aratta ,the mountain of the holy divine powers. While his brothers are noblemen who command troops, Lugalbanda is a virtual nobody who is introduced only as their eighth one. But like David in 1 Samuel 17, he would prevail over his brothers and become king of Unug (Uruk). If you dont believe the biblical narrative,as another replier has mention it is open to any assumption or presupposition. In the ancient Near East, sometimes those outside of a particular group or society were considered less human by those inside of the group. Nod means land of wandering so Cain went to land of wandering that means he left Gods presence and was wandering about east of the garden. Posted on September 17, 2021 by 0 Comments September 17, 2021 by 0 Comments You can hold to old-earth creationism without evolution. This may cause problems when matching pairs are inherited from both parents, as is much more likely with close intermarriage. @robert The Bible, at Job 26:7, speaks of God as hanging the earth upon nothing. Science says that the earth remains in its orbit in space primarily because of the interaction of gravity and centrifugal force. Surely they knew that other groups of peoplepotential enemies or alliesexisted far away, but if they never came into contact with these groups, what did they matter? CHAPTER 4. No, Cain was Adam's oldest son and Abel's brother (Genesis So, he was to take care of plant life for he and the animals. Cain married his own sister at nod because the bible was not mention woman name at that time it was not prohibiter to marry your sister. Gen. 4:16, 17: Cain went away from the face of Jehovah and took up residence in the land of Fugitiveness [or, Nod] to the east of Eden. * 3 In the course of time Cain brought an offering to the LORD from the fruit of the ground, 4 while . There were no other womenjust one woman, Eve. Adam wasnt created at all, yatsar bara. Genesis 1 says Yahweh created mankind, male and female. http://www.mnemotrix.com/metsudah/b01r.html, Rabbi Rashbams commentary agrees that Adam was the man of Genesis one. Genesis 5:4 After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters. Genesis tells us that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters besides Cain, Abel and Seth. We see Cain leaving to go to Nod (Genesis 4:16) and knowing his wife (Genesis 4:17). To survive the famine, many turned to cannibalism. You should consult preferably neutral sources. Im only using Jewish sources. There is also the fact God had to breathe life into the newly produced body of Adam (Gen. 2:7). An Arabic tradition F6 records exactly the opposite rivalry. Fascinated by idea! It is meaningless and typical of people that think they are educated and now think they can question the Bible. Dig into the illuminating world of the Bible with a BAS All-Access membership. Now how old was cain and Able at the time of the incidence? We are all literally the same blood,dna, relatives plain and simple n noone seems to want to acknowledge this admit this etc its right there in the bible who else was there besides Adam n eve n their children nobody, I think a lot of things were ommited from the bible to satisfy some peoples theories the truths out there. Cain married a sister or niece. The story said nothing of Cain repenting for the murder of his brother, only that he felt his punishment was unjust. the Cain wife is an Abel twins sister,because if you look at the book of Old Testament there allows mention males name not female name that is why the dont mention her name and because man are the head of family, The cain wife is Abel twin sister, Because if you look at the books of Old Testament, there allows mention male but not female that is why Bible dont mention har name because man are the head of the family, Then let us try to find the real name of Cain wife and where he get her, we are learning. Also, concerning who could possibly be those who would confront Cain to kill him, Humans lived on for centuries and centuries at that time so eventually there would be relatives and relations and shirt tail relatives who having moved to other regions might for some reason or other plot to kill Cain in the decades, centuries to come and not necessarily have to be another people or race outside of the one the Bible describes. There are other books that were not included by Constantine in the modern bible. The bible cosmology also clearly teaches a flat earth and any reading of scripture that is the least bit consistent and attempts to keep to a literal biblical cosmology in the early chapters of Genesis must surely keep to a flat earth which is present from Genesis to Revelation. The male line could predate that number. Could it be that we are only thinking of the physical when it comes to the first family? Perhaps many of Cains siblings had moved to Lod when Cain moved there. I live from breath to breath Mrs Leith is on to something. This happens at the beginning of the seventh day. Read the teachings of Jesus in how they relate to fulfill the prophecies, make a new covenant (law) and ask did Jesus die for this to change? OT law was eye for an eye, God smite my enemies, crucify the thief! There is no evidence that Adam and eve never existed. Depensa, (Gen. 4:14) Only human being are capable of inflicting a punishment! These were later corrected by Christians like Copernicus and Galileo. Report, October 22 2014 It literally says they had other sons and daughters, it literally says Cain married and had children. He sends his son Tobias to collect a debt. But Cain is bad; he does not love his brother. Could have already been here and that is where Cains wife came from. Isch & ischah are used for humans only, while zakar & neqebah are used for humans AND non-human animals. Of greater significance, however, is that the biblical evidence for this nuptial state in the beginning (Gn. I think the author has overlooked the main context of the creation story and is simply trying to fit it into our understanding of a modern long geological age earth. This was possible in those days because 1) God allowed . [190-196 A.M.] And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, [197 A.M.] houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch. In fact, when Cain left his mother and father, (Adam and Eve), he took one of his sisters as his wife. Who specifically denied that Adam came from dust? There were a very few individuals in history that did. Without birth control there could have been hundreds of people alive when Abel was murdered. It is 3:20, but hayah (to be) is in the perfect form. of course youre absolutely right. He did not exist. Look at how long everyone lived. info. They clearly saw this in tombs. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and called his name Seth. Take the KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, and LAWS of the Old Testament, and run them through the love of Jesus and the cross. Did agriculture begin in Paradise (Gen. 2:15) or after the expulsion? Are we to restrict what God can do? God made man and woman. Understand? And of course its possible, that both of them had had brothers and sisters (and (grand-)parents, aunts, uncles and cousins as well). By the time they gave birth to Cain and Abel (Gen 4:1-2), Seth (whose lineage we follow through Noah and beyond) and other sons and daughters (Gen 5) they had already disobeyed God and been cast out of the garden of Eden. It was not until Adam and Eve freely chose to rebel against God, that pain and suffering entered into the world, he said. WHEN SONS AND DAUGHTERS WERE BORNE, EMPHASIS WAS ALWAYS EXCEPT IN RARE SITUATIONS, ON SONS. One thing that always puzzled me is how Cain got a wife? 23 And Lamech said to his wives, "Adah and Zillah, listen to my voice. This is the 21st century. The audience understood the cultural cues and were unconcerned about narrative contradictions and inconsistencies as they had an entirely different way of thinking than us moderns do. Here is the answer, Cain and Abel were not the first children of our first parents, that is Adam and Eve. and then begat other children than him, Which says that Cain married his own twin sister. TDH, another thing. In Isaiah 22:18 dur refers to a bundle, not a ball. Because the first one failed his task. National Center for Biotechnology Information, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. This is an obvious question to anyone who looks at the Bible with non-fundamentalist open eyes. Not as a spesific person, but as a lot as men and women in plural. We can only wonder how many female children they had. Gen. 3:19 until you return (shub) to (el) the ground (adamah), because from (min) it you were taken (laqach), because dust (aphar) you are and to (el) dust (aphar) you will return (shub). All that holds good. This . For Leiths explanation of the identity of the wife of Cainone of the often-overlooked women in Genesisread her full Biblical Views column Who Did Cain Marry?. Therefore it is right to say that God was interested in Adam made in His own image with a different material. And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch.) 2. If that was where the Garden of Eden was, then there is a place sounding much like Nod after that narrow exit from that area. I just hate how the article tries to weave lies in to truth..ie theres no actual evidence the bible supports people outside of creation just because they want to make it look like it does. Many, if not all of us, will find this proposition as almost beyond belief. so more argument we take it as it stated in the Bible. Each issue of Biblical Archaeology Review features lavishly illustrated and easy-to-understand articles such as: Fascinating finds from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament periods, The latest scholarship by the world's greatest archaeologists and distinguished scholars, Stunning color photographs, informative maps, and diagrams, Reviews of the latest books on biblical archaeology, 45+ years of Biblical Archaeology Review, 20+ years of Bible Review online, providing critical interpretations of biblical texts. Therefore, there is no reason to assume they the words refer to different humans in chapters one and two. I dot not know of dust to dust They were tree gatherers at first and if this cursing of Cain meant that all things hanging from a tree is why Jesus had to be crucified, in order to save us from that curse on all tree fruit. God created them to be a legacy He wanted children with His Heart and His thoughts, and His powers (eventually) But they failed the test. The fall is important in this argument because if death and suffering existed before Adams sin, then why did Christ have to come and die? If we compare the description of the land of Eden with recent research of the middle east, during the last ice age, we find a match. Its easy to verify, whos right and whos wrong. fear lest the enemy overcome thee. The Babylonian Talmud teaches that Adam was the man of Genesis one the first man. I do not see where it gives a direct teaching on Adam coming out of the dust, but it does say that we will rise from the dust in the resurrection. This matches the descriptions of the land of Havilah. I dont know if it has already been mentioned here, but Gen. 1:26/27 and 2:7 are two different events. Share The majority understanding for the last 2,000 years has been that Adam was the first man and Eve the first woman, and that God started with just two people (Genesis 1:27, 2:7, 22-24, 3:20; Book of Tobit 8:6; Book of Jubilees 2:14, 23; Antiquities Bk. Sure, but chronologically it does not make sense. The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. They do not come up and inundate the land; neither do they fly off into space. You said preadamites, are you a gap-theorist? The known twins of the Bible include the following: Jacob and Esau: These two brothers are certainly the best-known set of twins in Scripture. And at that early date, it wasnt as systematic as since 12,000 years ago. How could Cain have married an aunt when there were no women of Eves generation: neither Adam or Eve had a sister. Facts before speculation. Spouse. Adam and Ever are the progenitors of all mankind (Gen 3:20; Acts 17:26). They have the same body. Cains wife is a curious subject but the the size of the animals on the ark are also. This means that verse two is further explaining what earth looked like at its creation. The KJV says it correctly: Gen 3:20, And Adam called his wifes name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. Adam and Eve werent the only people existing in the Genesis story but they were the first parents of mankind, in my own understanding of the OT, there are others who werent mentioned in the narrative of the Genesis. Our oldest mitochondrial relatives go back a minimum of 100,000 years and that is only the female. Report, October 23 2014 The Bible states emphatically that God is the same today, as yesterday, as forever in the future you wish to query. If Cain and his sister had children together, they would have passed on genetic mutations leading to birth defects and a host of diseases. You know that you are sweeping the whole OT off the table and you are making God and/or all is servants and prophets in the OT out to be liars? The stories of the OT were meant to teach the faith, they didnt have to actually have happened or happened that way. shed my blessing on them ere I die. Are your uppercase letters supposed to lend credence to your intoxication and cultism brought on by your deep gulping of ancient Judaic mythology? One of the most often-asked questions about the Bible is that of Cain's wife. 3:19-20, 12:7). This is a very disapointing take on the biblical account. The speculation, however, is interesting and should be regarded as that. Seth and the host of Adam & Eves children were subsequent to Cains marriageas in it couldnt be possible that Cain married a sister. Biblical Archaeology Review is the guide on that fascinating journey. In the Bible, there is a descendant of Cain named Tubal-Cain who is described as " an instructer of every . Why did Cain then kill Abel? Were Adam and Eve the only couple who were created in the manner described in the Book of Genesis? TDH. Such a conclusion, however, overlooks the fact that when God created the world, [] it was very good and without sin, according to Matt Slick. The very first creation was the cosmic space (Gen. 1.1). Many like to look beyond the truth of the bible, and peer into artfully contrived stories of Jewish mystics and story tellers. Facts about Cain and his family. Abraham in Gen 22:2). When Im in Heaven Ill know the answer to all the things I dont know here. dont fix it. Why question something we know? All descendants not of Adams line would not have been eligible for forgiveness, but they would have still been subject to the condemnation of creation. Consequently, although this is not stated, the only logical conclusion is that Cain married his sister and they had children together. Why do people who dont even believe that there was a literal person name Cain care about who he married? February 13 2015 3 Be not afraid, 0 my son; there is no disgrace in it. Its a pity you didnt read Genesis 1 v 26. Also: a very good question is that if the Adam and Eve story was entirely fictional, how did the person composing the original or at least the biblical version know that snakes used to walk on four legs? Also, Bible made no connection of the incidence with Adam and Eve. First, both Genesis one and two have one male and one female. These terms for soul and breath are used interchangably in the Old Testament, and in the Canaanite Tale of Aquat , Aquats murder at the hands of a drunken soldier is described in similar terms as Genesis 2:7: His breath escaped like wind, his soul like vapor, like smoke from his nostrils. The Adam of Genesis 2 represents our human potential before the fall, of which Jesus refered to when he said, He that excersizes faith in me, that one also will do the works that I do; and he will do works greater than these, because I am going my way to the Father (John 14:12). It doesnt matter if its been a few thousand years if we all came from the same dna there will be no alteration no matter how long the time period, you know hence why people can trace their family lineages using dna. The same scenario was repeated after the flood since there were only 4 couples to repopulate the earth. Lilith, CAN ANY HUMAN IMAGEN JEHOVAH GOD TO CONCLUSSION? Language is man made and therefore anything ever said, written, or read is based solely on interpretation. , Moses skips generations in his own twin sister posted on September 17, would! 2014 it literally says they had other did cain have a twin sister and daughters besides Cain, Abel Seth. 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