address at the congress of angostura summary

Bolvar personally witnessed the rise of. Andrade G, Lugo-Ocando J. We all owe it our obedience and loyalty. Consuls, senate and people all served also as legislators, magistrates and judges. Caracas: Alfa. House of Angostura, a Trinidad and Tobago company manufacturing angostura bitters. The Congress of Angostura is considered Venezuela's second legislative congress, the first being the one that met in 1811. Some critics have accussed Bolvar of verbosity. From there, with the auspices of President Alexandre Petion (17701818) that included 6.000 soldiers, money and even a print- (Helg 2003), Bolivar returned to Venezuela with a military expedition. This was by far the most important motive in the struggle for independence amongst the criollo elite, and throughout his writings, Bolivar makes very clear how important this issue is for him. Las Indias no eran colonias. Please try again in 48 hours. Washington. Simon Bolvar's 1819 address to the Congress of Angostura took place in Venezuela during the long course of the struggle for independence. Simon Bolivar's message to the Congress of Agostura is explaining that the people of Venezuela should be free and not be ruled over by someon thousands of miles of way. The enforcement of public morality has repeatedly been associated with authoritarian regimes. All should not be left to chance and the outcome of elections. Library of America. Reprint ed., Washington, D.C.: Press of B. S. Adams, 1919. of History, Cal. Again, his justification for this very aristocratic proposal was not altogether clear, although he tried to offer some rather confusing arguments: A hereditary senate, coming from the people, would share its interests, its opinions and its spirit, and for that reason it is not to be presumed that a hereditary senate would not follow the peoples interests or forget its legislative duties (Bolivar 1819). Sponsor: Rep. Smith, Christopher H. [R-NJ-4] (Introduced 02/24/2023) Committees: House - Foreign Affairs; Judiciary: Committee Meetings: 02/28/23 2:00PM: Latest Action: House - 02/24/2023 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as . Timeline for Mexico: 1519-Present; Mexican Heads of State; Mexican Profiles and Personalities; Moments and Events in Mexico. DOI:, 1. Madrid: Planeta. The hereditary senate will also serve as a counterweight to both government and people; and as a neutral power it will weaken the mutual attacks of these two eternally rival powers. Timeline for Colonial Latin America, 1492-1824, Colonial Latin American Profiles and Personalities, Moments and Events in Late Colonial Latin America, Analysis of Arthur Syzks Bolvar and Sucre at Junin, oil on canvas (1950), Simn Bolvar and Restrained Republicanism, Document #1: Letter from Jamaica, Simn Bolvar (1815), Document #2: Address at the Congress of Angostura, Simn Bolvar (1819), Chapter 3. Delhi: Penguin Books. Despite not controlling Venezuela, Bolivar called for a Second Congress of Venezuela (the first one had been called in 1811 in Caracas, to declare independence), to assemble in Angostura. What republic has exceeded in duration those of Sparta and Venice? . An address of Bolivar at the Congress of Angostura (February 15, 1819) Reprint ordered by the government of the United States of Venezuela, to commemorate the centennial of the opening of the Congress (tr. The Enlightenment did not reach Spain with the same force as it did in France or Great Britain. His choice of admiration for an ancient Greek city, reveals his militaristic tendency in the Angostura Address: The Republic of Sparta produced more real effects than Solons ingenious creation, even though it seemed a chimerical invention at first. A republican magistrate is an individual set apart from society, charged with checking the impulse of the people toward license and the propensity of judges and administrators toward abuse of the laws. He thus anticipated these objections, by trying to assure the audience that a hereditary Senate would not be aristocratic: In no manner whatever would the creation of a hereditary senate be a violation of political equality; it is not a nobility I wish to establish, because that, as has been said by a celebrated republican, would be to destroy at once equality and liberty. A political upheaval that took place between 1765 ad 1783 during which colonists in the Thirteen American Colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy, overthrew the authority of Great Britain, and founded the United States of America. Nevertheless, his main concern was not so much with absolutism itself, but rather, with the exclusion of criollos in the administration of the Spanish Empire. Simn Bolvar, "An Address of Bolvar at the Congress of Angostura (February 15, 1819)" Background As a young man, Simn Bolvar (1783-1830), who would become known as "El Libertador" ("The Liberator") in Latin America, spent a few years in Europe. Did not monarchy exist in France for fourteen centuries? Caballero, M. 2006. He appeals to the idea of a modern state of equality by claiming that "slavery is the daughter of darkness: an ignorant people is a blind instrument of its own destruction" (Boli var). Thus our position is most extraordinary and complicated. If he attempts to infringe upon the law, his own ministers will desert him, thereby isolating him from the Republic, and they will even bring charges against him in the Senate. Unlike Jose de San Martin (who explicitly desired a Constitutional Monarchy for emerging South American nations), he constantly paid lip service to the toppling of monarchs. 1999. By this I mean that the result will be the death of the government, whose heirs are anarchy, usurpation, and tyranny . Yet, it is very revealing that, in this and other passages, he has a predilection for Rousseau. In a sense, Bolivars approach is anti-colonial (let us remember that many aspects of colonialism itself were modeled on the universalism of the Enlightenment), inasmuch as he advises colonized peoples not to necessarily copy Eurocentric models. DOI: Bolivar remained loyal to his republican convictions, and scolded at the possibility of being crowned as king of Colombia. But the key difference is this: the governors of Isfahan are Persians, the viziers of the Great Lord in Turkey are Turks, and the sultans of Tartary are Tartars. And, at times, he seems to believe that, the new nations are not sufficiently mature to be wholly free: Liberty, says Rousseau, is a succulent food, but difficult to digest. Bolivar was fully aware that whoever takes on the responsibility of demolishing an ancient order, must also immediately come up with ideas for a new one. This time, he wandered throughout the Caribbean. Indeed, Bolivars stance on the moral power coheres well with his authoritarian leanings. In modern times, he sought the protection of the British empire; in referring to ancient times, he consistently showed admiration for Roman imperialism, and had no words of criticism for it, as once again expressed in the Angostura Address: A monstrous and purely warlike government raised Rome to the highest pitch of virtue and glory, and made the whole world a Roman Empire, showing men just how much can be achieved by political virtue, and how trivial the influence of institutions can be (Bolivar 1819). During the Second National Congress of Angostura on February 15, 1819 Bolivar stood and gave an address that would form its own place in history. The will of the Grand Sultan, the Khan, the Bey, and other despotic sovereigns, is the supreme law, and it is arbitrarily executed by the pashas and inferior governors in Turkey and Persia, where the system of oppression is completely organized, and is submitted to by the people because of the authority from which it emanates. Not surprisingly, this quote (and Rousseaus political philosophy as a whole) has historically risen some eyebrows, as it seems to sympathize with authoritarian regimes, ironically all in the name of liberty itself. But, even when it came to the American government, Bolivar had high praises for it in the Angostura Address: And in fact, the example of the United States, with its progressive prosperity, was too flattering not to have been followed. But, his concern was, if not legitimate, then at least understandable. In the context of early 19th Century Venezuela, this was a major accomplishment. 1965. An Address of Bolivar at the Congress of Angostura (February 15, 1819) Reprint Ordered by the Government of the United States of Venezuela, to Commemorate the Centennial of the Opening of the Congress (tr. No matter what citizen occupies this office, he will be aided by the Constitution, and therein being authorized to do good, he can do no harm, because his ministers will cooperate with him only insofar as he abides by the law. Please look indulgently on this declaration of my political vision, on my heartfelt desires and my earnest pleas, which I have dared to address to you in the name of the people (Bolivar 1819). After he assumed full dictatorial powers in 1828, Bolivar severely limited various basic liberties, appealing to reasons of public morality. Unfortunately, the Bolivar-hero cult rampant in Venezuela and Colombia (and to a lesser extent in. Independence would, nevertheless, prove to be no easy task. from the Original Spanish by Francisco Javier Ynes). They justified themselves by arguing that they were just agents of a greater historical force. Bolivars authoritarian turn came later in his political career, well after independence was sealed. 2018. The Enlightenment proclaimed the equality of all human beings, on account that we all share a common nature that makes human rights universal. This text is part of the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. Bolivar, a man of the Enlightenment himself, continued this trope, by presenting the Turks, Persians and Chinese, as despotic peoples. With us it is quite different. Summary of H.R.541 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): BALE Act of 2023 But, it was not a mere cynical ploy to enlarge his armies. The Congress of Angostura is considered Venezuela's second legislative congress, the first being the one that met in 1811. Sparta, of course, is the emblem of militarism in Western imagination. The address is presented in Spanish with a short editorial introduction in English. Like the North Americans, we have divided national representation into two chambers: that of Representatives and the Senate. That same year, Bolivar would head towards the Venezuelan plains, assemble an army of llaneros who now supported the Republican Cause- and European mercenaries. God save Congress! (Bolivar 1819). The Angostura Address 200 Years Later: A Critical Reading. Venezuelans were by no means unanimous in their desire to be independent and consequently a bloody civil war began. La Gran Colombia: una ilusin ilustrada. He genuinely emancipated slaves, yet was extremely afraid of a takeover by pardos and all the savage hordes from Africa and America who roam like wild deer in the wilderness of Colombia (Bolivar 1821). The Congress of Angostura was convened by Simn Bolvar and took place in Angostura during the wars of Independence of Colombia and Venezuela, culminating in the proclamation of the Republic of Colombia . Do we not read in Montesquieus Spirit of the Laws that laws should be suited to the people making them, and that it is extremely unlikely that the laws of our nation will suit another? (Bolivar 1819). . The Angostura Address: Cultural identity, ethnic relations Although never formally educated in universities, Bolivar was a self-taught man and had at least two illustrious tutors who were the arguably the leading intellectuals of the region at the time; Simon Rodriguez and Andres Bello. One of the main thesis of that classic work of political philosophy, is that American democracy is not only built on a particular form of government and its institutions, but also on the cultural foundations of Americans (Tocqueville 2004). In 1817, Bolivar captured the city of Angostura (now Ciudad Bolivar) and the whole of Guayana, and established it as his center of military operations. London: Longman Publishing Group. The Lycurgus legislature produced glory, virtue, morality and therefore national happiness (Bolivar 1819). We have been ruled more by deceit than by force, and we have been degraded more by vice than by superstition. Our weak and feeble fellow citizens will have to increase in strength of mind in a very great degree, before they can be permitted to digest freedoms wholesome food (Bolivar 1819). Bolivar was very eloquent in denouncing the vices of Spanish imperialism in his vociferous anti-colonial stand. Argentina: Progress, Stalemate, Discord, Understanding Argentinas Dirty War Through Memoir, The Challenge of Burying the Ley de Caducidad in Uruguay, The Spanish-American Republics, Theodore Child (1891), Document #24: What is Peronism? by Juan Domingo Pern (1948) || The Twenty Truths of the Pernist Justicialism, Juan Domingo Pern (1950), Document #25: Statement by the military upon taking power (1976), Document #26: Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, Adolfo Prez Esquivel (1980), Document #27: Speech at a Dinner with the Council of Americas in New York, Nstor Kirchner (2006), Chapter 10. The opportunity came in 1808 when Napoleon invaded Spain, and the Caracas junta which became the facto government- rejected Spanish authority in Seville in 1810, and reaffirmed its allegiance to Ferdinand VII, who was imprisoned by Napoleon. Who could resist the glorious attraction of the full and absolute enjoyment of sovereignty, independence, and liberty? Inspired by the revolutions of both the. After Spains humiliating defeat in the Seven Years War, Charles III understood the necessity to cleanse the corrupt and inefficient administration of the Spanish Empire. 2018 Freedom of Speech Index. The population in the Americas was far greater than the population in the Iberian Peninsula, yet, only a minority of deputies posts were assigned to representatives of the American territories. We are controlled by a system which deprives us of the rights to which we are entitled, and leaves us in a sort of permanent infancy with respect to public affairs (Bolivar 1819). Originally published in 1923, as part of the Cambridge Plain Texts series, this volume contains the complete text of Simn Bolvar's address before the Venezuelan Congress at Angostura on February 15, 1819. It was only the chaos of post-colonial South American politics, which drove him towards an increasingly authoritarian approach. But, admittedly, it had turned out to be very corrupt. A strongly rooted force can only correct this weakness. These subordinate officers are entrusted with the civil, military, and political administration, the collection of duties and the protection of religion. Bolivar, once again, was a man of the Enlightenment, but on this dispute, he seemed to be more on the side of Counter-Enlightenment figures who believed that the same political recipe could not be applied universally to all nations. It met from February 15, 1819, established the new independent-from-Spain nation on December 17, was interrupted by further independentist activity, and reconvened on July 31, 1821, when . Bolivar was certainly the foremost figure that synthetized formal political thought, constitutional doctrine, and revolutionary action. Again, Bolivar never answers. This argument is hard to follow. They went from being controlled by oversea nations to being independent nations. He liked to describe himself as the man of difficulties. On February 15, 1819, The Liberator entered the Government Palace of Angostura along with Rafael Urdaneta, Toms Montilla and Mindlessly appropriating the constitutions of other nations, he argued, would lead to Gran Colombias demise. June 13, 1821. Helg, A. If a people, perverted by their training, succeed in achieving their liberty, they will soon lose it, for it would be of no avail to endeavor to explain to them that happiness consists in the practice of virtue; that the rule of law is more powerful than the rule of tyrants, because, as the laws are more inflexible, every one should submit to their beneficent austerity; that proper morals, and not force, are the bases of law; and that to practice justice is to practice liberty. During Habsburg times, a great deal of contraband went on, but with the arrival of the Bourbons, economic regulations were severely tightened and enforced. Stoan, SK. However, given that the rest of Venezuela was still controlled by Spanish authorities, only a few provinces could send delegates. Carrera Damas, G. 2003. Slavery is the daughter of darkness: an ignorant people is a blind instrument of its own destruction. Iberoamericana Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 47(1), 7482. In the Angostura Address, Bolivar engages in some confusing argumentation trying to justify the concentration of power in the executive branch of government: In a republic, the executive ought to be the strongest, because everything conspires against it; and on the other hand in a monarchy the legislative ought to be the most powerful, as everything unites in favor of the sovereign (Bolivar 1819). He begins the address by presenting the concept that "We are not Europeans; we are not Indians; we are but a mixed species of aborigines and Spaniards" (Boli var). Orientalism. Similar attempts to debunk myth from reality have not been able to play out in the ways that these efforts were originally intended such as the 2015s 200-year commemoration of Bolivars Jamaica Letter. And it is for this very reason that Bolivar believes that federalism works in North America, but it would never work in South America. Iberoamericana Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 47, no. comments powered by University of Chicago Press. By the end of his life, Bolivar was a deeply disappointed and bitter man who wrote to a friend: All who served the Revolution have plowed the sea (Bolivar 1830). Discurso del general Bolivar al Congreso de Angostura. DOI:, Andrade G, Lugo-Ocando J. It is unlikely that any liberal concessions from Spain would have changed his mind, but the fact that these concessions were very incomplete, and that they were ultimately abolished by Ferdinand VII, sealed in his mind the question regarding the break with Spain. At least theoretically, this would ensure that criollos would no longer be second class citizens. Oxford University Press. Carta de Bolivar al General Juan Jose Flores. Blanchard, P. 2008. Some nostalgic defenders of the Spanish Empire in Latin American countries claim that the Indies were not colonies at all. Although some historians still debate this (Damas 1983; Draper 1968) it does not seem to be the case. But there is more. El proceso ideolgico de la emancipacin en Colombia. Despite Bolivars gratitude for Petions support, Bolivar was extremely concerned by the way the Haitian revolutionaries exterminated whites. This new nation . Predictably, very much as Bolivar did in 1828, watching over public morality in the Bolivarian Revolution became despotic in itself, and many of Venezuelas basic freedoms (but most especially freedom of speech; Venezuela currently occupies number 143, as indexed by Reporters Without Borders (2018)) have deteriorated over the last 18 years. Silencios y disputas en la historia de Hispanoamerica. Give Venezuela such an executive power in the person of a president chosen by the people or their representatives, and you will have taken a great step toward national happiness. His success, however, would again be short-lived, as in 1830 Gran Colombia ruptured into its three original constituent countries, and Bolivar would have to march into exile and died on his way in in the city of Santa Marta, before he could make it to Europe. The wording is unmistakably reminiscent of Benthams philosophy, and indeed, the English philosopher was a major influence on Bolivars political thinking. Bolivar spoke, expressing his ideas regarding freedom. However, later on, in the Constitution that he wrote for Upper Peru (named Bolivia in his honor) in 1826 and that he attempted to impose on Colombia afterwards, he stipulated the figure of President for Life. 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