6 characteristics of benedictine spirituality

Which value speaks to your heart most strongly at this time and why? Therefore in Benedictine spirituality, mutual obedience is a habit to be shown by all to one another. Benedictine monks have often received freely from their families and educators, from the rich Benedictine tradition, from the abundant life of their own communities, and from the many mercies of God. In the 7th and 8th centuries it was often combined with other rules, especially that of St. Columban (d. 615). Ignatian spirituality is a spirituality for everyday life. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. U`` . The Benedictines, officially the Order of Saint Benedict (Latin: Ordo Sancti Benedicti, abbreviated as OSB), are a monastic religious order of the Catholic Church following the Rule of Saint Benedict.They are also sometimes called the Black Monks, in reference to the colour of their religious habits.They were founded by Benedict of Nursia, a 6th-century monk who laid the foundations of . Yes, work, too, is a basic tenet of Benedictine Spirituality. The Benedictine practice of hospitality is radical. God speaks to the monk through Christ, but the monk is called to see Christ not only in the superior but also in the guests, in the sick, in the young, and in the old. . We are no more self-sufficient than the poor whose dependence on the service of others cant be hidden. The Rule of Benedict teaches that Monastics should serve one another (35:1). Fr. That kind of movement toward moderation is especially important as we live the open and complex questions. Living the Benedictine spirituality, as a monk, an . Christian monasticism had been in existence for a long time before Benedict wrote his rule. In this, affective piety and the contemplative study of the mysteries of God were no longer so strictly united as in the preceding centuries, in which the patristic tradition had been preserved. Paradoxically, the key to a full life, is to understand that all things are to be done with moderation. (Rule of St. Benedict 48:9). Finding God in All Things. The concept that we are not above nature but are part of it, stems from the practice of humility, of knowing who we are, how we are, and to whom we belong. [CDATA[ Sister Joan Chittister is an extraordinarily prolific writer and among the most famous living Benedictines. Prosperity and ties with temporal society often led monasteries, especially the larger ones, to depart more or less from certain fundamental observances required by the rule, notably separation from secular society, real simplicity of life, and manual labor. "No one is to pursue what he judges better for himself, but instead, what he judges better for someone else." - Rule of St. Benedict 72:7 A Raven is Collaborative Collaborative Ravens create a spirit of teamwork. Benedictine spirituality is a way of life that helps a person to seek God and his will daily. It continues today as an institute for Benedictine students and others who wish to obtain graduate degrees in philosophy, theology, liturgy, and monastic studies. Through contemplative prayer, the monk becomes an emptiness so there is space for God as well as space for others. What are the characteristics of Benedictine spirituality? In his spare time, you will find Sam tending his familys small tree farm or fly fishing for trout in Southeast Minnesota. Benedictine 0000000742 00000 n . Father Mandonnet then lists three characteristics that are concerned more especially with the will. What is Benedictine Spirituality? . The rule did not become a text of the past or a dead document; rather it continued to live and to vivify, but its very fecundity, its inexhaustible youthfruits of its discretionexplain how it was able to inspire different realizations. It is such a personal thing that it can be considered part of one's identity. Thus prayer and community, to borrow again from Stewart, are at the heart of the Benedictine school of spirituality. Humility fosters stronger, healthier connections within communities by breaking down the artificial barriers between individuals. Commit to daily, weekly or monthly prayer disciplines. Sam has experience in parish ministry and holds a masters degree in theology from Saint Johns University (Collegeville, MN). The rhythm of life leads one to times of being alone and times of being in community. a. de vog, The Rule of Saint Benedict: A Doctrinal and Spiritual Commentary (Kalamazoo 1983). Adrian Burke, OSB writes, Benedict insists in his Rule that we must balance our lives with prayerand work, with readingand recreation, with restand activity. Benedictines attempt to incorporate all of these important aspects into every day. He simply organized a form of cenobitic life in complete conformity with the demands of the monastic vocation, which is but integral Christian life. Bibliography: Marked for Life: Prayer in the Easter Christ (London 1979). Silence in Benedictine practice is knit together with listening and with prayer. Here are some of the characteristics of Benedictine spirituality: Grounded in Listening For Benedict, the spiritual life was about listening to Godthrough prayer, Scriptures, the depths of our own experience, through listening to others in our community and the wider church. But, we keep practicing, because we hope that eventually, with faithful practice, that our way of being present to others will be as rich and meaningful as Chopins Nocturns are mysteriously rich with meaning when played by the virtuoso Arthur Rubinstein near the end of his life. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Acts 18:18). It is a comprehensive rule of life for the whole church and all her members. Do you yearn for a good life, and do you desire to see good days? Benedict, RULE OF Saint.This work holds the first place among monastic legislative codes, and was by far the most important factor in the organization and spread of monasticism in the West.For its general character and also its illustration of St. Benedict's own life, see the article St. Benedict of Nursia.Here, however, it is treated more in detail, under the following heads: I. Benedictine spirituality is rooted in the cultivation of good habits. Contact. There is a temptation to complicate it, to . Humility requires the monk to accept the gifts of others, their wisdom, their experience, and their counsel. variety in physical characteristics, languages, and ways of life is really our . Downloaded from the web site of the Bodleian library: Created: 8th century date QS:P,+750-00-00T00:00:00Z/7, we acknowledge the primacy of God and look for God in the ordinary events of each day, Benjamin Schfer, who calls himself an intercessory musicianary, blog theologian, and pilgrim on the narrow road of learning to love, writes in depth about ways to foster awareness of God, requires that we never stop asking hard questions about our personal growth, The Sisters of St. Benedict in Ferdinand, Indiana explain the importance of community life in Benedictine practice on their website, Interviewed by Krista Tippett for her podcast, Kyle T. Kramer explains in his 2011 article for America Magazine that hospitality, for a Benedictine, An essay by the Sisters of St. Marys Monastery in Rock Island, IL explains that, Read the full essay to learn more about how humility helps us grow, This article on the Contemplative outreach website explains the history of, As Good Samaritan Sister Clare Condon writes, Listening with the ear of the heart, read more about the Liturgy of the Hours by clicking here. Belief in One God: The most important teaching of Islam is that only God is to be served and worshipped. The rule is marked by a strong sense of the individual monk's personal worth and dignity. The discipline of slowing down to pay attention renews our orientation toward receiving the presence of Christ. New Catholic Encyclopedia. Continue to Prayer and Community: Benedictine Spirituality (Part 2). Strong communities embrace stability and are open to necessary change. SUGGESTED BOX ON PRAYER The psalms eloquently express how we feel and how we think about life and time and God. xb```f``x(80 Only a year ago, after a year of formation, I became an Oblate of Saint Benedicts Monastery in St. Joseph, MInnesota. The Rule of Benedict opens with the word "listen" (ausculta ). Closely related to both listening and humility is the virtue of obedience. St. Vincent teaches us to see Christ in the poor and suffering, so much so that the poor become our Lords and Masters and we their servants. We become obedient only after we know our own will. Brother David Steindl-Rast of the Gut Aich Priory monastery in St. Gilgen, Austria, is the founder and senior advisor for A Network for Grateful Living. All these helping ministries place value on the confidentiality of the relationship and may lead to increased personal wellbeing and a more fruitful and productive life. It evokes the name of St. Benedict, who lived in the 6th century, together with all those who have been inspired by the Rule of Benedict and associate themselves with the Benedictine spiritual tradition. People are tired and worn out from striving against unhealthy systems. podcast at DiscerningHearts.com from the Missionary Benedictines of Christ the King Priory, Fr. 9 0 obj <> endobj In chapter 72 of the rule, Benedict encourages his monks to be zealous, "supporting with the greatest patience one another's weaknesses of body and behavior, and earnestly competing in obedience to one another. The Benedictine practice of Liturgical prayer is one of Benedictine spiritualitys most visible, unmistakable hallmarks. d. rees et al., Consider Your Call: A Theology of Monastic Life Today (Kalamazoo 1978). It encourages a life balance between corporate worship, spiritual reading and work in the context of community. Although well into the middle years of an average life span, I am a rank beginner, a mere toddler in Benedictine practice. Poverty of spirit, simplicity, sharing and giving, self-denial prompted by love, freedom of heart, gratitude, care for persons, and sound judgment with regard to created things should proceed from exposure to God in prayer. Benedictine prayer has several characteristics that make more for a spirituality of awareness than of consolation. Using philosophical and theological lens, this paper attempts to 1) present the Benedictine Leadership vis--vis Care ethics 2) proffer that charity or care is the driving force of a transformational leader and, 3) purport that a caring leader, directly or . Benedictine Abbeys and Priories in the U.S. Benedictine University: Narrative Description, https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/benedictine-spirituality. RB 73, the final chapter, is more or less a bibliography for all that precedes it. But it also requires that he let go of false expectations concerning others. As Sister Julie explains on the blog A Nuns Life, The Liturgy of the Hours is made up of specific prayers said at various time (hours) during the day and night. If he persists in this state, atheism truly becomes a way of life. These prayers, which included the saying or chanting of the psalms, can be experienced in our Daily Office. Its recipe comes from a 16th-century monk and includes a secret blend of 27 herbs and spices in a neutral spirit that's sweetened with honey. Gymnasts practice routines, yoga students practice poses, swimmers practice strokes, and tennis players practice their serves. Thus the rule refers frequently to the "divine commandments" and often cites the Bible, particularly the gospel. 0000002422 00000 n The ascetic and contemplative orientation of the monastic life was accompanied historically by such cultural activities and manifestations as were compatible with a separation from the secular world, conversion, and a life of personal prayer. Benedictine Spirituality It may seem odd that some of the best guidelines for achieving balance in our world today, where stress has become the norm, come from a sixth-century Italian monk who at one point chose to live by himself in a cave. In 1887 Pope Leo XIII, who was enamored of the Benedictines, reestablished the College of Saint Anselm in Rome. Learn more at www.samuelrahberg.com. Joan Chittister is the executive director of the company Benetvision, which serves as a resource and research center for contemporary spirituality; a member of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie; and a former past president of the Conference of American Benedictine Prioresses and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. It's not a principle that defines what it means to be a Benedictine institution. Benedictine spirituality offers an important voice in our world today, a voice which informs our praying, living and discerning. If you fill out this form, Ill respond from my personal email. The first word of the Rule of Benedict is Listen. The Benedictine practice of listening is the heart of Benedictine spirituality, for not only are we instructed to listen constantly to one another in community, to leaders, to guests, to the sick, to our inner selves, and most of all, to God, we must also attend to [what we hear] with the ear of the heart. As Good Samaritan Sister Clare Condon writes, Listening with the ear of the heart can be a scary experience because it can call me to radical change, to a transformation of my limited human perspective. Cultural Producer. Prayer is essential to a Benedictine lifestyle. The wisdom of Native Americans has often been quoted as a way of thinking about the long term implications of our present actions: What is the impact of our decisions on the seventh generation? We are called to consider ourselves part of Gods larger and longer story, living a legacy which was a gift to us and inspiring others who will follow. (61.6). j. chittister, The Rule of Benedict: Insights for the Ages (New York 1992). Getting Started with Ignatian Spirituality Beyond the Basics of Ignatian Spirituality "Benedictine Spirituality It requires that a monk listens intently to the voice of God as it is manifested in the Sacred Scriptures and the teachings of his superiors. Sam Rahberg is former Director of the Benedictine Center and a spiritual director in St. Paul. It emphasizes the preeminent position which hospitality occupies in every Benedictine monastery. The Benedictine practice of mindfulness, like all the Benedictine practices, is lifelong. It is God who is the primary author of life for Benedict's disciples; hence the monk's obedience is above all to God and God's word which the monk finds mediated into his life through a wide variety of persons and experiencesin the rule, in the abbot, in the community as a whole, in the young and the old, in the sick and in guests, in the liturgy of the hours and in personal prayer, in sacred reading, in work, and in silence. Digital nun, writing for ibenedictines.org tells us,The practice of mindfulness, which for a Christian must always be the practice of mindfulness of the presence of God, is not something we learn in a few hours or even a few years. It may be an old liqueur but it has a well-deserved place in the modern bar. It was not founded by a particular saint. Successful organizational leaders practice self-mastery and teamwork. 0000002499 00000 n It appeared little by little wherever the Church took root, a spontaneous manifestation of the Holy Spirit urging Christians to become monks in response to the counsel given by Jesus in the Gospel: "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions , follow me " (Mt 19.21). Lets make ours a truly humana listening and reverentconnection. Saint Clare of Assisi (16 July 1194 - 11 August 1253, born Chiara Offreduccio and sometimes spelled Clara, Clair, Claire, Sinclair, etc.) Benedictines say mindfulness is as much as a Christian and biblical concept as it is a Buddhist one. 4qAB0Lfb+ ``v@ BK j Benedictine detachment does not imply a disparagement of good things, nor a fear of their power, but rather a just appreciation of all things as gifts of God. They are listeners and patient, willing to wait and see. Be faithful in demonstration of family and community commitments, for example, by calling parents every week at the same time, checking in regularly on neighbors, affirming and listening to coworkers. Poet/Writer. For most Oblates. Im interested in connecting person-to-person with others who share my values, who want to participate with me in building a meaningful network of relationships that will serve to support us on our spiritual journey. It shows itself in the way (emphasis mine) you put up with the many things of your daily life, sickness, death, war, persecution, mishaps and misfortunes of every kind. In other words, without awareness of God and without gratitude, indeed, without the interweaving of all these practices into our lives, patience cannot exist. It is my experience that the simplicity of this message oftentimes seems just too difficult to accept. It is the balanced spirituality that one finds in the Rule of Benedict that has made it attractive to many men and women throughout the ages. Poverty of spirit, simplicity, sharing and giving, self-denial prompted by love, freedom of heart, gratitude, care for persons, and sound judgment with regard to created things should proceed from exposure to God in prayer. No one thingprayer, work, rest, studywas to be done in the extreme. Co-Director of the Spirituality Center. Francis consulted her, especially when he was discerning between becoming a hermit and being an itinerant preacher. Benedicts wisdom and commentary has provided the foundation for Benedictine communities throughout the centuries, and continues to influence many of us in the community of St. Pauls. In this article, I have merely collected and summarized what other, more experienced Benedictines have taught and published. St. Benedict lived in the 6 th century. In her blog, Presbyterian minister Lynne Baab offers ways for those of us who do not live in a monastery to embrace stability. Romey is the driving force behind "Being Benedictine in the 21st Century: Spiritual Seekers in Conversation," a conference planned for June 2020 at Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison. Focus Our Eyes on God and His Word For Saint Benedict, the Word of God was of central importance. One of the primary characteristics of a spiritual person is openness. I hope this list (compiled in September, 2018) is helpful, perhaps even inspiring. Life in Benedictine monasteries was also deeply influenced by the clericalization of many of the monks and the episcopal ordination of many abbots. He was the son of a noble and grew up in Rome. Successful organizational . Hence the monk must be poor psychologically because he realizes his dependence on others. Humility helps us accept our gifts and talents joyfully while letting go of our false selves. What gives the Rule of Benedict its exceptional quality has commonly been called its "discretion," in the double sense of the word: discernment and moderation. While everyone has their values and principles, the spiritual person knows that one-size does not fit all. In an article for HuffPost Sister Joan tells us that a Benedictine lifestyle is an an oasis of human peace in a striving, searing, simmering world. This lifestyle disallows war and violence on any level, including the root causes of violenceambition, greed, waste of resources, class distinctions, and the hubris that leads to the oppression of others, that justifies force as the sign of our superiority. This lifestyle makes ample room for what it valuescommunity, prayer, stewardship, equality, stability, conversion, peace all [which] make for communities of love. Without humility, Sr. Joan explains, there can be no peace. The Rule of St. Benedict has often been referred to as a compendium of the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ. On the blog Catholic Beer Club, Br. 0000002192 00000 n Her muscular Christianity is grounded in the spiritual practices of the Rule of Saint Benedict, such as silence, hospitality, humility, and peace. Stability In Benedictine practice we acknowledge the primacy of God and look for God in the ordinary events of each day. Hence the spirituality that we find implicit in the Rule of Benedict was dependent in many ways on earlier sources, though he was certainly wise in what he incorporated and what he left behind. The monk's own attitude toward his life then is one of stewardship. If you fill out this form, Ill respond from my personal email. The typical person takes little time for personal renewal in the hectic daily round of activities. Am I growing in my true identity as a son or daughter of God? Its principal source is the Word of God and its model is Christ. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"Mjbegi0csMdpEDVeqSUEXsusxBikAj9UyKZw_VuRiag-86400-0"}; Benedictine spirituality is a fresh alternative in an increasingly fast-paced world. [contact-form][contact-field label=Name type=name required=1 /][contact-field label=Email type=email required=1 /][contact-field label=Website type=url /][contact-field label=Comment type=textarea required=1 /][/contact-form], Downloaded from the web site of the Bodleian library: [1]. The Rule of St. Benedict structures this for the monk. 1. Benedict's treatment of obedience must be understood in light of his understanding of authority. Benedictine writers often appealed to methods of prayer and asceticism that were foreign to the monastic tradition. As you read, pay attention to the one or two which resonate most for you today. This religious practice refers to St. Benedict and his spiritual practice. When the monk has zeal for God, he will come to see that he is consumed not only with love for God but for everything and everyone else that God has created. Benedictines believe that the Christian life is best lived not through the extremes of any harsh religious asceticism but in the daily context of good, balanced life in community. We are women and men for and with others, hearing both the cry of the . https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/benedictine-spirituality, "Benedictine Spirituality She reminds that in the Rule of Benedict, in the economy of monastic life, prayer is work and work is prayer. While [t]ime set aside for prayer can be a great blessing, we can turn all of our daily tasks into prayer when we bring to them the awareness of ourselves in relationship with our ever-present God. Benedictine spirituality is a fresh alternative in an increasingly fast-paced world. Read the full essay to learn more about how humility helps us grow in the love of God and deepens our bonds with each other. The whole spiritual life of the monk consists in listening to God by "inclining the ear of the heart." Stop the madness; listen to the God who loves you. The Ten Hallmarks of Benedictine Education. The typical person takes little time for personal renewal in the hectic daily round of activities. Benedictine hospitality is not some broad pedagogical idea. Quick and easy, no. People are seen as an integrated whole: Body, Mind, and Spirit. %PDF-1.4 % He was born on March 2, 480 AD, in Norcia, Italy. It acted and penetrated not as a legislative text imposed from without by authority but rather as a leaven by virtue of its intrinsic power. Every four months, we begin again at the beginningso we read the Rulethree times every year. This practice is not particular to Benedictines, however. Joan Chittister is a Benedictine sister with an ecumenical outreach and vision who has written more than 50 books. The root of the word obedience means "to hear" and is about making a commitment to listen for God's voice in the world and respond when you hear the call. Benedictine, member of the Order of Saint Benedict (O.S.B. Benedict called this lifelong process conversatiomorum or conversion of life. There was societal chaos and political dissatisfaction and we might wish that the conditions of those times did not sound so familiar to our modern ears. Hence he is able to receive others in the community, including guests, with kind consideration. It includes reading, reflecting, responding to and resting in the Word of God not in a scholarly way, not to make a sermon to preach to others, but simply to nourish and deepen our own relationship with the Divine. We prefer concepts like freedom and independence. We are all accountable as steward of creation, they tell us. The diffusion of the Rule of Benedict in the West was slow. Although well into the middle years of an average life span, I am a rank beginner, a mere toddler in Benedictine practice. The second characteristic of the monastic vocation is that it demands a life of which a privileged part is given to prayer. St. Benedicts chapter on humility is one of the longest in the Rule. This is not simply a change in my opinion or even in my ideological stance, but a much deeper change in my attitude, a real change in my way of being and doing. Listening is integral to the practice of conversatio, indeed to all the practices, which, as Laureen Virnig OSB teaches to Oblates in formation, are inseparable woven together to make of our spirituality a living tapestry. Tradition assigns no other end to monastic life than to "seek God" or "to live for God alone," an ideal that can be achieved only by a life of conversion and prayer. Being poor with the poor has characterized many religious from the time of the Middle Ages, but Benedictines, because of their cenobitic life and their cultural inheritance, are often rich. These three characteristics refer especially to intellectual activity. This practice is not particular to Benedictines, however. The resulting collection of ten core values - love, prayer, stability, conversatio, obedience, discipline . 0000001968 00000 n Listen to the Holy Spirit speaking through scripture and through the insights of others. is an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. But if they are rich communally, they must be rich for the many people who are poor not only materially but also intellectually, culturally, spiritually, and humanly. The Sisters of St. Benedict in Ferdinand, Indiana explain the importance of community life in Benedictine practice on their website. Benedictine spirituality is a way of life that helps a person to seek God and his will daily. 21 0 obj <>stream Benedict shows us the value of ordering our day around communal prayer (i.e. The first and fundamental manifestation of such a vocation is a real separation from many aspects of the secular world. Eunice Antony, OSB. St. Benedict speaks of steps in humility, comparing them to the rungs of a ladder which we climb one by onean image that implies not a strict order of ascent but a more general sense of movement growth. The monk is called to discern how the Benedictine tradition speaks to the basic human condition, often characterized by blindness and greed. Lectio divina involves contemplating what we read or hear in a Scripture, being receptive to the presence of God, and letting ourselves be transformed. People are seen as an integrated whole: Body, Mind, and Spirit. For vowed monastics, stability is literala long-term commitment to a specific place and community. Prince of Peace is a community of Benedictine monks that has been in San Diego County since 1958, but their community spans more than 1,400 years of uninterrupted tradition dating back to St. Benedict. 0000000949 00000 n In no way am I qualified to be a teacher of the Benedictine way of life. FRANCISCAN SPIRITUALITY Franciscan spirituality motivates a way of following Christ that is based on the gospels. 22 Feb. 2023 . Furthermore, he avoids anything that would be excessive or beyond the capacity of the average monk. It is humility that takes the monk beyond the myth of his own grandeur to the grandeur of God. The Benedictines, strictly speaking, do not constitute a single religious . The church and her sacramental system are essential to the Christian life of grace. Consequently he accepts the services and ideas of others, the gifts of life, and community. 0000000556 00000 n Balance is less about achieving perfect equilibrium than it is a pendulum which continuously swings back toward a central point. It insists that God is present in our world and active in our lives. Perhaps the most useful definition is that given by Jean gerson: "Theologia m, Omnipotence is derived From the Latin omnis (all) and potens (capable of making or producing). It encourages a life balance between corporate worship, spiritual reading and work in the context of community. published by Liturgical Press, by clicking here. For more information, fill out the form below or contact: Mary Catherine Holicky, OSB. By listening and seeking stability of life, we strive to discern the new path that Christ is forever calling us to travel. Chris Sullivan nexplains in her blog post Work and Prayer in the Style of St. Benedict for Loyala Press. 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Consider your Call: a Doctrinal and spiritual Commentary ( Kalamazoo 1978 ) a full life, community! Stability is literala long-term commitment to a specific place and community, to again! Also deeply influenced by the clericalization of many abbots a fresh alternative in an increasingly world. Stability in Benedictine spirituality is a pendulum which continuously swings back toward a central.. & # x27 ; s identity window.__mirage2 = { petok: '' Mjbegi0csMdpEDVeqSUEXsusxBikAj9UyKZw_VuRiag-86400-0 '' ;. Heart of the practice routines, yoga students practice poses, swimmers strokes! Primacy of God it is a way of life leads one to times of being in community rees et,... Both the cry of the heart of the world and active in our..

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